Top 12 Gamified Learning Management Systems

Best Gamified Learning Management System

Have you ever thought how a game-based simulated environment could make your monotonous sales training engaging? Or how a leaderboard could incentivize a new employee to complete their reading list? 33% of employees prefer gamified features in their employee training software. Gamified learning management systems aren’t just a trend rather have evolved as an imperative addition for your business!

Games have been an inherent part of human nature. In fact, gaming elements play a detrimental role in change management and employee engagement. Integrating levels, leaderboards, badges can make compliance training, onboarding and learning more effective. If you are an entrepreneur looking for a gamified lms to boost your workforce, then this blog would help in your quest! 

So, are you ready for an in-depth comparison among the top gamified LMS?

What are the Essential Features for Selection of a Gamified Learning Management System?

Before moving on to the comprehensive comparison, let’s analyze the crucial features for your gamified LMS

So, what are the powerful strategies to implement gamification? 

Although there’s no silver bullet while choosing your LMS,here’s what you need to look out for!

  • Points and Leaderboards

Who doesn’t love the adrenaline rush while playing GTA or Minecraft? Incorporating points and leaderboards into your LMS would imbue some friendly competition. Right? Hence, it wins the coveted spot among the must-have gamified elements.

LMS allows you to set objectives and specify actions to win points and climb up the leaderboard. Think of those shiny stars and trophies as virtual rewards of your achievements!

  • Progress Bar

Tracking one’s progress is essential to assess how far you have come! Progress bars have been one of the mightiest tools to track your progress. However, these green visual cues can be beneficial as well as intimidating! Instead, featuring an insightful map depicting milestones and stops could be a better alternative. 

  • Levels

The contentment of accomplishing a level is unparalleled! And this holds true for learning as well! Users can define customized levels that unlock when a user earns a specific set of points or on a task completion. The hidden content arouses curiosity and motivates learners to complete tasks!

  • Badges and Rewards

Picturizing these gleaming accolades itself brings in a sense of pride! Isn’t it? Built-in badges are catalysts that shape a goal-smashing environment. They make the learners’ achievements to be valued and motivates them to work harder!

Whether a student cleared a test or an employee aced a skill-first onboarding test, badges are irreplaceable aids in their quest! Apart from badges, rewards could be in the form of certificates or even coupons or vouchers.

  • Storytelling 

Who doesn’t love stories? As Rudyard Kipling rightly quoted, “if history was thought of as stories, it would never be forgotten!” Stories help to connect, communicate and commemorate with the learners!

Infusing narratives, case studies and scenarios into course content makes learning more memorable and relatable. They are a valuable tool especially in product-based scenarios. For example, narrative-based stories, interactive multimedia, collaborative storytelling are a few practical applications.

12 Best Gamified Learning Management System

Let’s have a rundown of the top gamified learning platforms to supercharge your organization’s growth!

1. Litmos

The first LMS that makes it to our list is a cloud-based solution developed by Litmos Solutions. Leveraged across the 150 countries across globe and 50 industry awards, Litmos is definitely the perfect LMS to empower your workforce! Pepsico, Mercedes, ADP are the leading names among its clientele.

Litmos -Gamified learning management system


  • Leaderboards: Enabling local or global team leaderboards that stimulates friendly competition. This would further encourage me to complete the courses.
  • Points/ Badges : Learners are rewarded customized badges or points on completing specific courses or learning paths.
  • Levels: Users can define different levels reached on achieving a specific gamified criteria. This could also help to create feedback loops.
  • Personalized dashboard: This helps learners to track their progress, catering to their training needs.
  • Multimedia support: Litmos is SCORM, AICC, xAPI compliant thus supporting diverse content formats.

Price: The learning solution includes three packages: foundational, premier, platinum suites. Pricing on request.

2. ProProfs

Another scalable LMS with gamification that creates a dynamic learning experience is ProProfsTraining Maker. The training software is perfect for certification, corporate training and learning. So, how can ProProfs serve your organizational needs? 

Organizations can use it to deliver training on corporate policies, safety and compliance, etc. The software includes professional course templates and courses to kickstart your training program.


  • Quizzes: Interactive quizzes can be a valuable tool with features like scoring, reports and personalized feedback.
  • Brain Games: Want to improve the cognitive ability of your learners? Brain games like word puzzles, crosswords, trivias could spark their curiosity!
  • Flashcards: Use memory aids like essential cues and notes to help in better memory retention and recall.
  • Certificates: Reward the learners with customized certificates on completion of gamified learning paths.
  • Discussion Forums: Allow course participants to collaborate and enrich their knowledge through engaging forums.

Price: Free Forever Plan (Up to 10 learners) and Business (10+ Learners and Premium courses-$1.97/learner/month)

3. Mambo.IO

Mambo.IO is a leading open-source, on-premises gamification learning platform. It helps to train employees based on customized metrics and boost their learning outcome. A gamified solution like Mambo.IO could help in off-the-shelf and custom development. 

With its enviable suite of APIs, users can create a seamless gamified learning experience. It is your organization’s one-stop solution for all training needs including employee engagement, elearning, corporate training. 


  • Competitive Leaderboards: Stimulate friendly-competition among your employees with  behavioral, point-based, time and schedule-based leaderboards or strike a combination.
  • Activity Streams:  Curate personalized activity streams to evaluate and improve your learning experience. Filter the activity stream to include the behavior and events for attaining a specific goal.
  • Peer-to-peer Reward System: Create custom rewards and points to encourage peer-to-peer recognition.
  • Levels and Custom Points: Monitor and reward any significant progress by defining levels and contextualized rewards.
  • Coupon System: Reward users with coupons offering discounts, free shipping, etc.

Price: Available on request

4. Tovuti LMS

Tovuti LMS  is an all-in-one training software that helps to create, manage and deliver training sessions. It is an ideal training software with a host of gamification features to make learning fun and engaging. 

With 40+ gamification elements like quizzes, points, leaderboards, it offers diversified learning experience. A perfect solution to conduct live training sessions via video conferencing tools like Zoom, GoMeeting. Additionally trainers can also host online classrooms along with breakout sessions and whiteboards.


  • Leaderboards & engaging experiences: Offer an unique learning experience with memory games, 360-degree images, leaderboards, etc. 
  • Social Profiles & Communities: Create social profiles to communicate with peers, build connections and delve in discussions.
  • Quizzes: Create a media-rich content with quizzes to define a well-rounded learning experience.
  • Rewards:Unlock rewards like discounts or certificates on achieving your specific learning objective.
  • AI-powered content creation: With an AI-powered LMS assistant called Dizi, users can create quizzes and lessons within seconds.

Price: Available on Request

5. Adobe Learning Manager(Earlier known as Adobe Captivate Prime)

Adobe Learning Manager is an award-winning LMS leveraged by Fortune 500 companies. It is an AI-based gaming learning platform that creates personalized learning experiences.

So, where can the LMS be used? It helps in different scenarios to engage customers, enhance employee skills, and drive sales. A cloud-hosted LMS, Adobe Learning manager helps to train partners, employees and customers. The solution offers a blend of gamification and social learning for continuous learning. 


  • Badges and Leaderboards: Learners can compete with their peers to earn uber cool badges and ace ahead in their leaderboards.
  • Points: Reward them with points on reaching different milestones.
  • Levels: Heighten learning experience with four different levels: gold bronze, gold and platinum.  
  • Recurring Certificates: Create a skilled and competent workforce by complementing their learning with certificates. 
  • AI-powered Social Learning: Allow learners to share their feats on social-style discussion boards powered by AI and ML. 

Price : Available on request

6. Funifier

Next in our list is a gamified solution that enlivens learning as well as drives productivity. It creates an immersive knowledge-driven environment with profiles, quests, leaderboards, progress bars, etc. This elevates the platform experience exploring new learning possibilities.

Funifier offers an extensive set of 90+ game techniques to be integrated into your app, website or social media platform. Additionally the platform includes unique features like milestone unlock, dangling, countdown timer, humanity hero, etc.


  • Rewards Catalog: Create a custom incentive program or  Funfier’s prebuilt rewards network to motivate learners. Learners can choose from 300+ different incentives and add to their rewards catalog. 
  • Security: Learners can set their security control based on their geolocation, time zone, IP addresses, etc.
  • Personalized Dashboard: Create custom dashboards based on business KPIs and track the user activity. Further, you can even adjust your gamification strategy.

Price: Available on request

7. Moodle

Being an open source platform, Moodle LMS is a leading solution in the gamified learning bandwagon. It perfectly complements different learning models like instructor led, self-directed learning or hybrid.

The feature-rich LMS provides an engaging learning experience through points, leaderboards, certifications,etc. Moreover, it fosters a collaborative environment through web conferencing tools, forums, peer-review workshops,etc. 

Planning to take your learning to the next level? The two popular gamification plugins: Level Up and H5P can help you in this pursuit!

Level Up is the most popular plugin with which learners can gain experience points(XP) on completing specific actions. 


  • Activity Completion: This feature helps to curate an activity item by defining personalized learner goals and milestones. 
  • Points: Attribute points to learners on completing specific actions. For example, gaining virtual points on completing a specific task or a quiz.
  • Badges: Digital badges can be great motivators to script a learner’s success. You can create a website-wide or a specific badge awarded for a specific activity.
  • Levels and Progress bar: Moodle allows to customize the number of levels and classify the learners based on their accomplishments. Progress bars are visual representations of a learner’s progress,  
  • Quizzes and Challenges: Users can embed interactive quizzes, videos and interactive games to create a well-rounded learning.


  • Original open-source Moodle – Free 
  • MoodleCloud offers two pricing plans: standard and premium solutions.

Here’s how the standard plan is priced into different subscription tiers:

Plan Cost/ year Users Storage
Starter $120 50 250 MB
Mini  $210 100 500 MB
Small $380 200 1 GB 
Medium  $880 500 2.5 GB
Standard $1670 1,000 5 GB

For more details on the premium plan, contact the sales. 

8. TalentLMS

TalentLMS is the top cloud LMS software preferred by companies across all the industries. Boasting a rich feature-set, the LMS is designed to win a “yes” from learners! With its habit-building gamified experiences, you can’t get enough of the LMS. 

From interactive quizzes to in-depth gamification reports, you can play well with your gamification features. Points, leaderboards, and badges are yardsticks that  charge a typical gamified LMS. However, TalentLMS extends its gamification to deliver a unique approach!


  • Leaderboards: Need an extra dose of confidence booster? TalentLMS’s leaderboards are instant-motivators that can get learners hooked.
  • Rewards: Offer reward-based discounts to engage learners and encourage learning.
  • Gamification Reports: The solution’s gamification engine records points earned, badges received and learner rankings. 
  • Certifications: Link gamified experiences to certificates to boost learning.
  • Customizations: From customizing badges to controlling the point-system, TalentLMS helps to personalize your learning. 


Standard Plan (Yearly subscription)

Plan Cost / month Users
Starter $69 40 
Basic $149 100
Plus $279 500
Premium $459 1000
Enterprise On request

Active Plan (Yearly Subscription)

Plan Cost / month Users
Starter $149 40 
Basic $269 100
Plus $389 250
Premium $519 500
Enterprise On request

9. Paradiso LMS

Another LMS that is a popular choice among top conglomerates is Paradiso LMS. It is an all-in-one LMS that delivers a versatile, highly-scalable and innovative solution for employee upskilling. Its learning programs include a blend of gamification, analytics, and more.

Rendering a contemporary twist to conventional learning, Paradiso LMS’s edges ahead with its gamified elements like badges, points, leaderboards, etc. So, what are the benefits of gamification? Definitely, an engaging and effective learning with improved outcomes! Moreover, it integrates with  200+ tools streamlining workflows.


  • Customized Dashboards: The user-friendly interface helps learners to track their individual progress. This helps in creating a truly enriching learning experience!
  • Point-system: The point system is tailored to allot more points to certain business objectives and behaviors.
  • Badges: Instructors can assign customized badges on completion of a specific course or activity.
  • Social-learning based gamified learning: Paradiso LMS’s social tools helps to share achievements, discuss and start discussions. This fosters a collaborative learning environment.

Price: Available on request

10. Docebo LMS

Are you seeking a cloud-based LMS for a large organization? Then, seek no further, Docebo LMS is an ideal choice tailored to suit your audience’s needs. It brings employees, partners and customers together in a single platform. Hence, it is more than a learning platform and rather a learning partner!

It combines face-to-face sessions, courses, webinars and of course gamified learning to adapt a blended learning approach! Contests, rewards, points, quizzes are Docebo’s essential gamification features. AI powered learning is Docebo’s flagship feature. It aligns your training needs with your business needs helping to create personalized paths.


  • Points/ Badges: Assign points to learners on answering different questions, thus unlocking rewards to power up their learning journey!
  • Reward Marketplace: This is where the rewards are displayed, managed and distributed by superadmins. The learners can get rewards and cash in points.
  • Contests: Running contests is an enticing way to motivate learners to participate in learning programs. For example, common hosting contest ideas like “most completed courses” or “scored highest points.”
  • Leaderboards: A public leaderboard not only tracks earned badges and points but also recognizes learner’s achievements.


Docebo Engage –  starting at $25,000/ year

Docebo Elevate – starting at $40,000/year

Docebo Enterprise – Custom pricing

11. Centrical

An AI-powered frontline gamified-based performance learning platform, Centrical is designed to deliver a personalized learning experience. The platform’s gamification, performance management, and microlearning features are what defines the platform. Moreover, Centrical’s gamification platform can engage employees individually or as a team, thus proving to be an excellent LMS for business!


  • Exciting gaming narratives: Carve engaging narratives like dynamic car races or hike and seek to level up learning. 
  • Competitions and Challenges: Enliven learning by creating team competitions or personalized challenges. Segment users to match with the right kind of challenge!
  • Social Knowledge Sharing: Extend the point-based system to sharing tips and suggestions on groups. Teammates can learn and upvote on these learnings.
  • Virtual Store: Earn tangible rewards from earned coins on the virtual store.

Price: Available on request

12. LearnUpon

Be it compliance training, onboarding or skill development LearnUpon is an apt solution for all your training needs. Its user-friendly and versatile interface provides a flexible solution for different learning cohorts.

It is an ideal LMS for SMEs and training organizations. LearnUpon offers gamified features, such as leaderboards, reports, badges, etc. Keeping pace with technology, Learnupon’s AI powered tools don’t need to start from scratch!


  • Customized Badges: Learners earn a badge either on starting, purchasing or enrolling to a course, etc.  You can decide the point value of the badges.
  • Points: Assign points for different courses and features, aligning with your learning objectives.
  • Levels: There are about 5 levels functional with points, leaderboards, badges, courses.
  • Leaderboards: Enable leaderboards to assess learner’s pace, ranks, and points earned.
  • Gamification Reports:  Admins can analyze the influence of gamification on learner’s engagement.  


  • LearnUpon offers the following three pricing plans:
  • Essential (Up to 150 users)
  • Premium (From 150 to 500 users)
  • Enterprise (Typically 500+ users)
  • The prices are available on request.

Finally, we have reached the end of a comprehensive list of LMS platforms!

The Bottom Line

Gamified Learning is not just a trend, rather a productive, result-driven approach. Features like points, badges, leaderboards motivate and make learning engagement. As organizations and educational institutes shift towards personalized learning, LMS gamification’s potential is undeniable. 

From upskilling, onboarding, to compliance training, gamification makes learning addictive. But, choosing a gamified learning management system could be overwhelming, given the plethora of options. Consider your organization type, long-term goal, budget, and audience while choosing an apt solution. 

We assume that this blog brings you a step closer to finding the right gamified LMS solution. Aligning your training or educational needs with learning goals, take a leap in your business!  

FAQs-Related to Gamified Learning Management Systems

1. What is gamification in the Learning Management System?

Gamification is the application of gaming mechanics in non-gaming scenarios to create a rich learning experience.

2. Which are the popular gamification elearning platforms?

Moodle, Docebo LMS, Litmos, Tovuti LMS are a few popular gamified learning management systems.

3. Which are the two types of gamification in L&D?

The two types of popular gamification in L&D are performance and content gamification. Performance gamification is enhancing learning experience by adding levels, challenges, leaderboards,etc. On the other hand, content gamification involves enriching existing content with storytelling, simulations, etc.

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