Quiz Module for Courses

Make your students more engaging

Last Updated : 10th Aug 2021

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Installation Duration : 10 to 12 Business Days

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About Quiz Module for Courses

To make your course more comprehensive and interactive, quick quizzes are a great option. Using this feature, you can include a short quiz or a well-rounded long quiz covering all the topics at the end of the curriculum. To add a quiz, you simply have to reach your tutor dashboard; from there, you access the section under which you can add questions of your choice based on the content of your lecture/class.

To keep your curriculum look more organised, a tutor can divide the entire course into sections and under each section, they can add multiple lectures, which a fun quiz can follow.

Types Offered

Multiple Choice – Single Response: These types of questions can go well with almost any theory-based course content. They are also ideal for courses that deal with competitive exams like GMAT, SATS, CAT, and more, as these exams follow the multiple-choice – single response question pattern. The question will be followed by four options, out of which one will be correct. Students will have to click the correct answer to get the positive point.

Multiple Choice – Multiple Responses: Here, the structure is similar to the multiple-choice – single response type, but instead of one correct answer, there can be two or three or even four. These types of questions go well with topics that revolve around reading comprehension and verbal ability skills.

True or False: The questions will be in the form of a statement, and the student has to determine whether the given statement is true or false.

Match The Following: There will be two columns containing different keywords. The students will connect the keywords that match across both columns by answering from the dropdown.

Why You Should Add Quiz Module Feature

  • Quizzes make your content more engaging and comprehensive.
  • They help the students to access themselves.
  • They help the students to identify any gaps in their knowledge and help them work on the specific weak areas.
  • Introducing Quizzes is an excellent method to enhance knowledge retention.
  • They help you create better courses by understanding your students’ performance.

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