Why Pinlearn?

Pinlearn was designed and developed by industry experts. It’s a complete eLearning marketplace software. Be self-paced courses, live private tuitions, or webinars, Pinlearn meets all your business requirements.

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Who is Pinlearn designed for?

For entrepreneurs, speakers, authors, trainers, and companies that are serious about building a business around online courses & live coaching. Pinlearn is also a good choice for individual instructors who want to teach online. It’s easy to set up, you can create self-paced courses, group webinar classes, and take 1-on-1 live online tuitions. One online tutoring software to embrace all popular eLearning business models. As you grow, we can support your eLearning business with more advanced features, latest integrations, customizations, and prompt support.

Why choose Pinlearn?


Unlike SaaS solutions, Pinlearn’s open source-code allows you to host your website on a web server of your choice, which you cannot enjoy in any SaaS alternative. You retain total control over your content, courses, pricing, and data. You get full ownership of your source-code, IP rights, terms, and conditions of your eLearning platform.

Powerful customization

With open source-code, comes a complete freedom for customizations. Pinlearn tutoring marketplace software is highly customizable. It’s built on the most cutting-edge technologies and imparts you the highest degree of customizability to add, remove, modify, or overhaul any features you want.

Security, Hosting, Scaling & Redundancy

Pinlearn suggests our customers to get their software installed on Amazon’s AWS cloud infrastructure to utilize maximum benefits on several layers.

  1. AWS data centre and network systems are designed to be fully redundant and maintainable without impact to operations, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  2. Can use AWS backup tool to backup data on a daily basis.
  3. Distributed File Storage Course media, including videos, image files, audio recordings, etc. and student-uploaded files, like assignments, documents, and learning artifacts are stored outside the database in a separate and scalable Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket that is designed for durability exceeding 99.99999999%.  All objects within the S3 buckets are replicated between regions (e.g. US East to US West) and have version control enabled so previous versions of an object can be restored with minimal effort.
  4. Pinlearn architecture is horizontally scalable and uses a mix of in-house developed and AWS provided technologies, enabling it to respond to usage spikes in real-time and accommodate expanded, long-term usage. Through automatic scaling and automated provisioning technology, Pinlearn adjusts cloud resources to handle large usage loads before they cause slowdowns.
  5. For Load balancing, we can use AWS Elastic Load Balancers. Load balancing is to optimize the use of resources available, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid overload of any single resource. Instead of using a single component, load balancing takes advantage of multiple resources, by increasing the architecture availability and reliability.
  6. We can use Amazon EC2 as an Application server. Application servers process incoming requests from the load balancers. They are responsible for executing the business logic, rendering HTML, and returning some static assets to the user’s web browser.
  7. We can use Amazon CloudFront (a caching CDN) to quickly deliver static assets to users. The caching layer provides performance optimization. A healthy cache means the application servers need to make fewer trips to the database which speeds up response times. The caching layer is made up of numerous machines running Redis.
  8. Pinlearn uses MongoDB. It can be set up on AWS. If needed, for high scalability, we can use mLabs to setup MongoDB on cloud. mLabs can take care of the complexities of managing a database so you don’t have to worry about it. There can be a lot to manage in a production database – configuration, backups, performance tuning, upgrades, monitoring, and more.

Customer Support

  1. Responsive and personal email & phone support – we don’t go home until every question has been answered.
  2. Comprehensive knowledge base to get you going, regardless of if you’re an expert or just starting out.
  3. 90% of questions answered in less than 5 hours.
  4. Every employee, from our CEO to the newest hire, spends time each week in customer support.

Easy setup

Easy setup and deployment of your eLearning website with our comprehensive documentation. Deployment support from Pinlearn’s team, right from the day of purchase until your website is up and running.


Complete freedom and access to overhaul the stock look-feel, and impart a unique brand identity to your eLearning marketplace platform. No forced branding from Pinlearn.

Go live in couple of days

It’s a turnkey eLearning marketplace software. You can expect to go up and running with your online tutoring website within a couple of days of your purchase.

All in one solution

One solution to capitalize on all popular eLearning business models on your website. Be self-paced courses, live 1-on-1 classes, or group webinars, Pinlearn is the one answer.

Simple, Clean, Fast and Robust

Setting up an eLearning business is anything but rocket science with Pinlearn’s online tutoring marketplace software; a high-end platform ready to be launched in a few days.

100% responsive (mobile compatible)

The entire platform is responsive at every touchpoint. Be your learners & tutors on mobile, tablet, or computers, they get an optimized user-experience all over.

Multiple Monetization Channels

It’s a complete tutoring marketplace software with monetization channels to covers all popular revenue-generation methods like commissions, ads, and featured listings, etc.


Forget about the expenditures of recurring monthly fees to your software vendor. You can own Pinlearn for good by making a one-time payment to purchase the source-code.


Loads of features to optimize your website for search engines: SEO-Friendly URLs, Customizable Page Titles & Meta Descriptions, Google Analytics Integration, Social Sharing Buttons, and many more.

Multi language support

Translate your eLearning marketplace platform in multiple locales. Pick your primary language and auto select other languages for the users based on different rules, geography, or user group.

A solution for eLearning business

Pinlearn is not just a website builder but an all-in-one solution for starting an eLearning business, or implementing eLearning in your existing environment. You retain 100% control of your platform in a self-hosted environment. Learn more in the FAQs.

Let’s get in touch

Give us a call – +1 408-909-5136  or drop an email below.

Pinlearn Sales Team
15 Minute Meeting

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